Here’s some amusing footage, caught very recently, of some more of that famous liberal tolerance and civility we’re always hearing about:
Here’s some amusing footage, caught very recently, of some more of that famous liberal tolerance and civility we’re always hearing about:
I have a little yellow “Don’t Tread on Me” flag signed by Kenneth Gladney.
I can see it now, as I write this.
I bought it at an anti-Obamacare rally, Fort Collins, ’09.
Kenneth approached me, asked if I bought it there that day. “Yes,” I told him.
He thanked me and autographed it. He said all the flag sales that day were his. It cost me $5.
I knew who he was, how he had been beaten by SEIU thugs, called racist names.
I hugged him. He was one of the most gentle souls I have ever met.