Last Rites Administered For Osama Bin Laden By US

Political correctness run amok. Christ, I hope this isn’t true:

WASHINGTON — US forces administered Muslim religious rites for Osama bin Laden aboard an aircraft carrier Monday in the Arabian Sea, an American official said after the raid that killed the Al-Qaeda leader.

“Today religious rights were conducted for the deceased on the deck of the USS Carl-Vinson which is located in the North Arabian Sea,” a senior defense official said.

“Traditional procedures for Islamic burial were followed. The deceased’s body was washed and then placed in a white sheet. The body was placed in a weighted bag.

“A military officer read prepared religious remarks which were translated into Arabic by a native speaker. After the words were complete, the body was placed on a prepared flat-board… (and) eased into the sea.”

The ceremony began at 0510 GMT and ended some 50 minutes later aboard the aircraft carrier which is stationed off the coast of Pakistan to help US and coalition forces in Afghanistan.


33 Replies to “Last Rites Administered For Osama Bin Laden By US”

  1. Personally, I loved this aspect of the whole thing event.

    My favorite part is the clerics who are complaining about how traditional burial procedures were not followed 100% according to Islamic scripture.

    To those clerics:

    First off, if you want to piss and moan about how poorly Osama was treated, shouldn’t you be more concerned about the fact that we SHOT HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD!? (I’m guessing at that point, Osama probably could have used a bath–any kind of bath–let alone a by-the-book “cleansing of the body.”)

    And secondly, FUCK YOU! Don’t want to get stuffed into a Glad Lawn ‘n’ Leaf Bag then dumped in the ocean? Then don’t blow up buildings, you dumb fucks.

  2. With all respect, Nick, I think it’s only part true “we SHOT HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD!”
    From what I heard, it’s more like “WE DOUBLE-TAPPED HIS ASS!” with a shot to the chest.
    But “we SHOT HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD!” will do fine.

  3. Jesus, man. You’re just like those Muslim clerics: Always getting caught up in the details.

    On a more serious note, this whole event has just made me depressed. It’s not because of any namby pamby “we killed Bin Laden and took a human life” bullshit. Fuck him. (And fuck Pakistan, too, by the way. Nuke that shit hole.)

    I’m depressed because we, as a nation, can’t even reflect on the occasion and appreciate it for even two seconds.

    What was remaining of Bin Laden’s head hadn’t even hit the ocean floor before Republican douche canoes started bellowing “thank god George Bush tortured people/Obama is a pussy and all credit goes to the SEALs” while Democrat opportunists responded with “Hell yeah! Four more years/Could Obama finish what GWB couldn’t! Yes he could!”

    I can only imagine what the 9/11 victims, rest their souls, are thinking right now.

    “A jet airplane flew through my head–through my fucking forehead–and when we, as a nation, finally kill the guy responsible this is how you guys react? By turning it into a 2012 election talking point?”


  4. Okay, it’s the Clancy fan in me, BUT I did say “we SHOT HIM IN THE FUCKING HEAD!” will do fine, hair trigger.
    I must agree we you, though, lizard-man. Succinct observation of the pathetic, while the bastards borrow $4B a day.

    “Nuke that…” now now. How about we rely on our own energy sources, and let them have their caliphate? Let them know, mess with us, THEN we’ll seriously nuke your ass?

  5. No dice. They already fucked with, as far as I’m concerned.

    More details trickling out about bin Laden’s home.|main5|dl1|sec1_lnk3|60307

    Here’s the first “kiss my ass” quote from Pakistani officials:

    “It needs to be appreciated that many houses (in the northwest) have high boundary walls, in line with their culture of privacy and security,” the government said. “Houses with such layout and structural details are not a rarity.”

    Here’s the second one:

    As in other Pakistani towns, hotels in Abbottabad are supposed to report the presence of foreigners to the police, as are estate agents. Abbottabad police chief Mohammed Naeem said the police followed the procedures but “human error cannot be avoided.”

    Good point. And speaking of human error, “Sorry we just nuked your dumb asses! I was just trying to call Domino’s.”

    Here’s another nice line:

    Like many Pakistani towns where the army has a strong presence, Abbottabad is well-manicured, and has solid infrastructure. Street signs tell residents to “Love Pakistan.”

    To those street signs, I’d add “…while it lasts.”

    And here’s the final “Come on, Obama. Push the button already!” quote:

    Al-Qaida’s No. 3, Abu Faraj al-Libi, lived in the town before his arrest in 2005 elsewhere in northwest Pakistan, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials. Earlier this year, Indonesian terror suspect Umar Patek was nabbed at a house in the town following the arrest of an al-Qaida courier who worked at the post office.

    Lastly, let’s give this guy a medal for being apparently the only Pakistani who doesn’t have his dick in his ear:

    “That house was obviously a suspicious one,” said Jahangir Khan, who was buying a newspaper in Abbottabad. “Either it was a complete failure of our intelligence agencies or they were involved in this affair.”

    Q: Hey Abbott(abad), who’s on first?
    A: Who the fuck cares? They’re getting nuked in five minutes!

  6. You make a good case. Just think, we nuke every fuckstick country that jerks us off for being too stupid to care for our own interests while we’re giving them borrowed money. Then we set up neutron nets that convert free radiation from the atmosphere into electricity, because there’ll be plenty of it.
    To hell with my solar project.

  7. Yeah well, why don’t everyone just nuke US and then problem is also solved? They like killing each other, and we are the only ones trying to stop them, maybe we are the fucking problem! Just let Canada have upper America and the beaners can have lower America. Except the beaners will rob the cannucks and then the beaners will die off cause they won’t have the white Americans to give them welfare, l0l.

  8. I know, I know. I really bring out the best.

    Fuck all you, thanks so much for dropping by.

  9. ‘“Hell yeah! Four more years/Could Obama finish what GWB couldn’t! Yes he could!”

    Uh, yeah, you rzather blateny disegarded the fact that this plan was years in the making using dated and new intel, and that during Bushs term after 911 we suffered not one attack on our soil.
    Any fcking idiot that had the head camel jockey in his sights and didnt do sht (like Clinton) has to be a comlpete sack.
    Sooo… before you go getting all high n mighty you might want to pay attention to the clusterfuck hes creating in the middle east, and Al Queda is still an existential threat,as we speak
    Money is already making its way to Syria,Egypt, and Yemen while folks in Joplin are wiping thier asses with bark.
    That of course depends entirely if they’ve got something in them to crap

  10. His last right should of entailed his ass beind strapped to the nose of 747 and flown right into his favorite Mosque.
    With his fucking eyes taped open.
    And a course in math 101 wouldnt hurt.
    Beacause the numbers cant possibly add up. Do the procreative math, theres no fucking way in hell, or heaven that there could be 73 virgins waiting for him unless they were really fuckung ugly, or cute livestock, or Octomoms. Preferably shaved ?
    Good job Barry, but it hardly compensates fot the mess you’ve made, even if we toss in a couple dead pirstes.
    After all, its was all the Bush policies yoyutrashed during your campaing that all of a suddeen became valuable, drones,patriot act, rendituions…etc

  11. You heard him!

    1. Thanks to procreation, there’s no fucking in hell.
    2. Barry Goldwater was into pirate-tossing.
    3. Watching 73 virgins fuck ugly livestock is better than watching Octomom shave.
    4. Bush policies trashed all hope of using yo-yos on your next camping trip.

    Pay attention next time!

  12. ” Bush policies trashed all hope of using yo-yos on your next camping trip.

    Pay attention next time!”

    Seems like you’re the one whos yoyo is stringless.

    I use a rail gun, ask Harvey

  13. As a matter of fact, though we’ve never actually met, I can confirm that micky (a) doesn’t drink and (b) uses a gail run.

    In a way, micky and I go back. It’s hard to believe that four years have gone by since the old anti-socialist dot com, eh, micky?

  14. micky says “before you go getting all high n mighty you might want to pay attention to the clusterfuck hes creating in the middle east…” [sic]
    Who the hell do you mean? Who’s getting all high and mighty?

    “strapped to the nose of 747 and flown right into his favorite Mosque” Nice imagery.

    Kudos Nick on the fact-scramble regurgitation.

  15. “Nice imagery.”

    You aint seen nothin yet.

    ““thank god George Bush tortured people/Obama is a pussy and all credit goes to the SEALs” while Democrat opportunists responded with “Hell yeah! Four more years/Could Obama finish what GWB couldn’t! Yes he could!”

    This was a team effort made possible by years of collaborative intel.
    Bush is on record stating that the fight with radical Islam will probably not end in his time.
    UBLs head is just a trophy.
    So, before you go getting all “high n mighty” you might want to take into account the fact that Cigar Billy had UBL in his crosshairs many times and failed.
    At least Bush went after the son of a bitch which is more than can be said by any of your moonbat predecessors.
    After all, dont forget, all those Bush poloicies Barry was talking shit about during his campaign he turned around and used after elected. Drones, withdrawal of troops(was Bushs plan, called “foreseeable horizon” and…renditions.
    Now tell me.
    If torture is illegal whay are we shipping enemy combatents to Egypt ? To see the Pyramids ?

    Yes, Ray and I go way back. I’m making my re-entrance delicate and sparse since I clearly and regretfully performed a slip of the keyboard years back violating his trust which can never stop apologizing for.
    You should pay attention, hes a good man and no doubt a huge source of my inspiration to do away with this shit we call a government.
    The Antisocialist rocked !

  16. You figure it out Nick…

    June 1st, 2011 at 11:04 am
    “Friends don’t friends post drunk.”

    Who, or what the fuck are you talking too ?
    If I’m not talking to you, or you believe I’m not talking to you, why should you give a fuck ?

    “strapped to the nose of 747 and flown right into his favorite Mosque” Nice imagery.”

    Yeah, the towers crashing down on 3000 people was much nicer.
    I was gonna suggest we shove the 747 up his ass but some fucktard would start a gay donkey punch rumor about UBL and I

  17. MICKY: “why should you give a fuck ?”

    Morbid curiosity, I guess. I feel like I’m reading Micky’s “Inferno.” I can’t help but wonder what I’ll find in your Ninth Circle of Stupidity.

    (And for the record it should have been, “gay donkey punch rumor about UBL and ME.”)

    I eagerly await your next spazz-out.

  18. “(And for the record it should have been, “gay donkey punch rumor about UBL and ME.”)

    What ? you get to set these grammatical parameters ?
    For all we know it could of been Carmen Fuckin Miranda on a step ladder dressed up like a donkey wearing a “strap on” punching your ass.

    “Morbid curiosity, I guess. I feel like I’m reading Micky’s “Inferno.” …
    Dont feel bad, its more fun on my end

    Ray suggested I write a book, biography of sorts.
    I’d hate for you to be the last installment /episode, so I’m gonna hold off til a worthy finale` rears itself.

    “Friends don’t friends post drunk.”

    Obviously, you have no friends.

    Thats about as bas as telling someone to correct their “gramer”

  19. “Ray suggested I write a book, biography of sorts.”

    Why not start with a suicide note then work your way up to a full-length “biography” (sic)?

  20. “Nice imagery” is usually meant as a compliment. Did I miss something?
    While I would suggest a spell checker and proof read before you post, rant on micky, I have no beef with you.

  21. Sarcasm doesn’t come across well in print, nick.
    I did the suicide routine, whats the point in a note if you’re dead ?

  22. Nick;
    “And for the record it should have been, “gay donkey punch rumor about UBL and ME.”) ”

    To borrow your line;
    “Jesus, man. You’re just like those Muslim clerics: Always getting caught up in the details.”

  23. BTW, Dale, yes, I did misunderstand you. I apologize
    I’m a habitual multi-tasker which often works to my disadvantage.
    All the while the dog was humpin my ankle while I was listening to some rabid Islamist on TV as I made lunch for my kid and typed with my one clean hand. Meanwhile my wife was unpacking from her May 21st failed spiritual relocation.
    I noticed she packed her I-pod. At that point I’d lost all rationale and composure because Weiners pic was there and not mine while it was set on vibrate

  24. “At that point I’d lost all rationale and composure because Weiners pic was there and not mine while it was set on vibrate”
    Nick, is that you? It sounds like you, only funny.

  25. Sorry, Nick. It was a cheap shot.
    But it was pretty funny.
    “…the way you call me ‘nother cat’s name when I try to make looooove to yooou…”

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