Barack Obama Concedes The Obvious: Welfare Breeds Dependence

“Well, you know, here’s what I would say. I think we should acknowledge that some welfare programs in the past were not well designed and in some cases did encourage dependency. As somebody who worked in low income neighborhoods, I’ve seen it, where people weren’t encouraged to work, weren’t encouraged to upgrade their skills, were just getting a check, and, over time, their motivation started to diminish. And I think even if you’re progressive you’ve got to acknowledge that some of these things have not been well designed.”


Well, you know, you’re only a trillion dollars too late.

And dependency is just one of the many intractable problems with a welfare state.

10 Replies to “Barack Obama Concedes The Obvious: Welfare Breeds Dependence”

  1. Hahaha! “Even if you’re progressive you’ve got to acknowledge that…”

    Yeah, or: “Even if you’re a Liberal aka Progressive aka Utopianist ignoramus like me; even you must finally admit that taking wealth from earners and handing it to losers who sit on their demotivated arses all day is not really a good idea.”

    Looks like Bam-Bam accidentally found himself on the road to Damascus. Better get off quick.

  2. ONE trillion too late?
    Hello? 5 trillion in new debt alone, on top of the trillions that were collected and wasted, and you say “only a trillion dollars too late”?
    Man, you ARE generous these days.

  3. Perhaps, Ray, but I did not realize you could so easily dismiss so many trillions of dollars.
    Tell you what, how about floating me a million or two, and I won’t care either…

  4. ObamaCare is well designed. (Quickly dons Bose noise cancelling headphones to avoid the ear splitting cacophonous outburst.)

  5. If my software intensive systems were as well designed as TorpedoCare, I would be quickly reduced to janitor, if I was lucky.

  6. Geithner conceded the obvious this morning:

    “We don’t have the ability (because of the overhang in housing and the problems in the financial sector) to artificially engineer a stronger recovery.”

  7. Isn’t that remarkable? After all the misbegotten bailouts and all the wasted “stimulus” money and all the other like shit we’ve been put through by these people, they now concede what so many of us have been saying all along.

    Too little, too late.

    Nice quote, ScummyD. I had not heard it.

  8. “Too little, too late”

    Yup, its going to take a lot longer to fix this than it did to make it.
    I’d say to the point of no return but thats too much to deal with.

    For me

  9. Sorry, Ray, this is not a concession, it is an admission.
    If there was concession, they would pull it back, most or all of it, and talk of genuine cuts, not tax increases.
    The assholes must discriminate to satisfy their prejudice and hatred for actual producers.

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