What Is Government? (Political Cow: Episode 1)

From the College of Subversive Knowledge (SUBSCRIBE):

Using two cows as a metaphor for illustrating how various political systems function is a practice that’s been around since at least the 1930’s.

Here are a few of the better examples:

SOCIALISM: You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.

COMMUNISM: You have two cows. You give them to the government, and the government then gives you some milk.

FASCISM: You have two cows. You give them to the government, and the government then sells you some milk.

CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull.

NAZISM: You have two cows. The government takes both and shoots you.

And that, in essence, is what Political Cow is all about:

Top Three Things You Did Not Know About Donald Trump

You always knew what a douche Donald Trump was, but you may not have known precisely why.

Here are three reasons:

Number 3.

He believes in a single-payer healthcare system.

Like all progressives, he supports the full socialization of American medicine.

He is perhaps ignorant of the fact that the fifty percent socialization of American medicine, which we enjoy today, has made American medicine all but completely unaffordable.

It’s leftwing policies like Medicare and Medicaid that we have to thank for that. Donald Trump supports this.

Number 2.

Like all good progressives, Donald Trump supports higher taxes and trade tariffs — which, among other things, discloses what you already suspected: he’s as economically illiterate as all the other garden-variety liberals.

Number 1.

Let’s allow the man speak for himself — because this video really says it all:

Iowa Tea-Partier Accuses Barack Obama Of Lying

This past Monday (August 15th, 2011) Ryan Rhodes, a Tea Party organizer in Iowa, asked Barack Obama how Obama could call for more civility when “your vice president is calling people like me, a Tea Party member, a ‘terrorist.'”

Barack Obama — who, as you no doubt remember from his debates with Hillary, was against “forcing” (in his entirely apposite words) the individual healthcare mandate before he was so emphatically for it — this past Monday said:

“As someone who’s been called a socialist, not born here, taking away freedoms because I passed a healthcare bill, I’m all for lowering the rhetoric.”

To me, the most interesting thing about Obama’s comment here is the paradoxical nature of it: in actual point of fact he is a socialist, and until fairly recently he made no secret of this. (You can watch him on video here. Or, if you can stomach them, read his poorly written books, one of which I’ve excerpted here, and you’ll see that he’s not only an explicit socialist but, like his “friend and mentor” Jeremiah Wright, he’s a socialist of the black nationalist variety.)

Obama has also made no secret of the fact that he is all for taking away freedoms in order to nationalize healthcare — which is of course called socialism — and so the only real rhetoric here, still, is Barack Obama’s.

Because he’s told so many blatant lies, and because it would be so painfully easy to catch him up in all his circumlocutions and contradictions, Barack Obama would be much better off, in the important months to come, avoiding confrontations like this: