Labor Unions And Their Communist Allies

As I’ve long said: labor unions and communism go together like white wine and fish.

Anonymous photo journalist Zombie recently confirmed that.

The following photos were captured by Zombie on May 5, 2011, at the May Day rally in downtown Los Angeles. This event was co-sponsored by the SEIU — a gigantic socialist labor organization that Barack Obama is famously fond of:

Barack Obama:

Everybody: There’s not a presidential candidate, a gubernatorial candidate, a congressional candidate, who won’t tell ya, that they’re pro-union, when they’re looking for their endorsements. They’ll all say, ‘Oh we love SEIU.’ But the question you gotta ask yourself is, do they have it in their gut, do they have a track record of standing alongside you on picket lines? Do they have a track record of going after the companies that aren’t letting you organize? Do they have a track record of voting the right way? But also helping you organize to build more and more power?

And some of you know I come from an organizing background, so — I’ve been working with the SEIU before I was elected to anything. When I was a community organizer, SEIU Local 880 and myself we organized people, to make sure that healthcare workers had basic rights; we organized voter registration drives, that’s how we built political power on the South Side of Chicago….and now the time has come for us to do it all across this country, and then we’ll paint the nation purple, with SEIU!

I would not be a United States Senator had it not been for the support of your brothers and sisters in Illinois. Those folks, they supported me early, they supported me often. I’ve got my purple windbreaker from my campaign in 2004.

And so, we’ve just got, what, four more days? Four more days of knocking on some doors. Four more days of working the precinct. Four more days of making sure all your co-workers are caucusing. SEIU, I am glad you are with me, let’s together change the country! SEIU! SEIU! SEIU! SEIU! SEIU!”

Here are Zombie’s unforgettable photos:

Note the red flag this SEIU communist is carrying


Please read Zombie’s full post here.

24 Replies to “Labor Unions And Their Communist Allies”

  1. Disgusting. Other than securing the damn border, what would you do about this?

  2. How exactly would securing the border remedy for this? Are you talking about the last picture with the 21st Century Jew?

  3. The article is titled “Labor Unions and Their Communist Allies”.
    Giving Americans the benefit of the doubt – that they would believe in our Constitution and property rights – I assume the “communist allies” must be foreigners, here for seditious purposes; hence the need to secure the border.
    Besides bad grammar, interesting leap you made there. Isn’t that a picture of Che on his chest? Classic!

  4. DALE: “I assume the “communist allies” must be foreigners…”

    Wait. I’m the one who’s making a leap?

    And please, please, please stop bellyaching about the beloved Constitution while trying to deny someone freedom of assembly in the same sentence.

    Unless you don’t believe in the Supreme Court…which would make you a…Oh my god! It’s too late! The seditionists blog amongst us!

    DALE: Besides bad grammar…

    It was a typo! It was late! It was corrected!

    DALE: …interesting leap you made there.

    What leap? He’s carrying a sign saying he’s a 21st Jew.

    On a side note, Ray, I once interviewed the former head of the CPUSA on my show. I had some bit where I brought on two opposite people, had them offer up three songs, then I’d have listeners vote on who had the better music. I forget the commie’s name. She was one of those people who have 1/64th American Indian blood in them but go on to talk about pow-wows, bonding with coyotes, etc. She was as kooky as you’d expect, but nice enough.

    I put her up again some representative from a giant venture capital firm outside D.C. That woman actually said, on air, that black people were lazy and shiftless and just didn’t really want to work. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised.

    I should start doing that again. It was a good bit. I had PETA vs. the National Beef Council, the general counsel of Neiman Marcus vs. a 15-year-old Dairy Queen employee, plus a few others that were as equally stupid.

  5. Yes, I made a leap, because I am “giving Americans the benefit of the doubt”. Given the Leftist love of socialism, maybe that is too big a leap.

    Okay, a typo, a rare moment of Nick humility.

    Now, about the Latinos-are-Jews nutcase with his Che adoration: he must be upset because our war on drugs is causing violent drug cartels to murder Latinos by the thousands.

  6. And tell me again why these people can’t exercise their right to freedom of assembly? I’ll grant you that most of them look like loons. Doesn’t mean they can’t loon in public, though.

    (And “rare humility?” I’m as humble as they come, baby! You know, there was another poster here ages ago who used that term…)

  7. You somehow interpret “secure the damn border” to mean commies “can’t loon in public”, which I never said.
    Tell me, Nick, which border would you rather see the U.S. secure, Iraq-Iran, or U.S.-Mexico?

  8. So you think we should secure the borders so we can keep communists out? I’m not trying to be difficult. I seriously don’t understand what securing the border has to do with this march.

    And in response to your very first question, “what would you do about this?” the answer is pretty simple: nothing.

    Who gives a shit about a bunch of goofballs painting signs in their garages and marching once a year? Do you know what the actual CPUSA membership is? It’s a joke.

    But if you really have nothing better to do, go to a march and talk to them.

  9. In part, sure. I think we should welcome immigrants that like America and follow the rules, and the commies can go home.

    We also see the usual calls for “immigration reform” in the photos, and clear hatred for Arpaio, one who enforces the law with emphasis on catching illegals. Of course, the implication that our wanting to preserve our way of life is somehow a form of persecution is so over the top I almost got a nose bleed just looking at it. I agree we need immigration reform, starting with protecting our sovereignty. Too damn many commies coming in, I say.

    You’re right, of course, about doing nothing. Other than vote against more government, but that does no good either, the beast just keeps growing.

    On a related note, I’ve helped two people – and their families – in their efforts to come here legally. One a Russian Jew who remembers Stalin, fled Russia at first opportunity. In communist Russia, there was equality, but some were more equal than others, and he knew the real discrimination of one of those systems. That Che-loving commie crybaby in the photo is a fucking dipshit.

  10. I don’t know.

    Kicking people out of the U.S. because of their political beliefs seems somewhat antithetical to the whole “land of the free” concept. It seems somewhat, well, Stalin-ish. What other political groups would you like to banish?

    Arpaio is as much of a great sheriff as he is a blowhard asshole who often breaks the law himself, so of course he’s going to ruffle feathers. No surprise there.

    And seriously, don’t bitch about some people being more equal than others in Russia while also stating that people who don’t “follow the rules” shouldn’t be allowed to live here. In your postings here, you yourself have expressed beliefs that contradict some of those “rules.”

    I’m not going to ask you to pack your bags, though.

    (I’m just assuming the “too many commies coming in” bit was a joke.

  11. How did “protect our sovereignty” become “Kicking people out”? Sheesh.

    I was unaware Arpaio had broken the law. If he had, I suspect Holder would sick the hounds of hell on him, so I dismiss your assertion.

    I did not say people who do not follow the rules should not be allowed to live here.
    I said “secure the border” and “protect our sovereignty”, you heard “banish political groups” and “kick people out”.
    Either you need to clean the wax out of your eyes or quit stuffing bad tasting words in my mouth. Please.

    True, I disbelieve in some of those “rules”, but I still follow them. There’s a difference between grumbling about and breaking the law.

    Good assumption. My ex-commie friend lived under their rules, and has told me he thinks the commie-lovers here are idiotic fools.
    We have too many people here whose very presence breaks the law. I did NOT just say kick them out. Just stop any more from coming before dealing with those that are here. Then do it in a fair way, meaning fair to all, not just what the sneaks deem fairness, not let the lunatics run the asylum so to speak.
    Is that so bad?

  12. OK. Fair enough.

    The commies who are here can stay, but we really need to do something about them. The commies who are trying to come here, all 14 of them, shouldn’t be allowed in because of their political beliefs. We aren’t kicking people out because of their beliefs. We’re just denying them entrance because of their beliefs.

    I’m all for some kind of immigration reform. The whole situation seems botched. You’ve got 500 guys in semi trucks about to die of dehydration trying to get in here. There should be an easier way. Same with the boat people from Cuba.

  13. You are still trying to make this about me in a sarcastic way, but look closely at what you reveal.

    That rascal Harvey has convinced me the power of his simple argument.
    Let “commie” be one who lays claim to my property on some moral grounds; “human rights” tripe, be it food medicine housing or the need to stomp out drug use.
    I think there might be more than 14 commies. I could easily name that many holding office.
    I wouldn’t miss said commie if it was here and left, preferable to its attempts to take away my freedom and property, which I’ve sacrificed and worked so hard for, while telling me I’m a racist persecutor. Asinine.
    If they march and act like asses but otherwise leave me alone, fine. $14T in debt, however, suggests their ilk need some reigning in, don’t you think?

    So, do I want immigrants to enter the country legally, learn our language history and laws, do it like our predecessors did? Yes.
    Do I prefer immigrants seeking opportunity over those sneaking in and calling me names? Yes.
    Any questions?

  14. I’m finding all of this a bit muddy.

    If someone is a commie for attempting to take away your freedom or property, 99.99% of politicians in congress right now are commies, right? Those retards in the photos didn’t run up $14 Very Very Large in debt. Why do they need “reigning” (sic) in. (Let’s see the humility, Dale!)

    And the problem with immigration is that the people sneaking in are also seeking opportunity. I doubt they’re risking life and limb just so they can put on a Che sticker and walk down the street, know what I mean?

    I’d love to see the whole immigration process simplified. Look at the Cuban situation. It’s ridiculous.

  15. Are 99.99% of politicians in congress right now commies? Almost, don’t you think? Any politician that says “We have a moral obligation…” followed by a price tag would certainly seem to qualify.
    No, THOSE retards didn’t do it, but I bet they support the ones that did.
    We need a limited overhead to govern our society, so some tribute to that is due, of course, but I’m tired of paying taxes to fund incomprehensible over-governance rationalized on bizarre moral grounds.
    Oops. I stand corrected, and will try to “rein” in my mistakes in the future.
    True, many are seeking opportunity, and I understand that, and agree we need to simplify things. I suspect many come illegally because of the red tape.
    Funny thing is, our Che-loving friend looks like a cool guy.

  16. I think we’re having a meeting of minds now. Sorry it took me so long to get here.

    I don’t know if I would classify the 99% as actual commies. I’d probably label them in more general terms, like “spendthrift assholes,” maybe.

    As far as retards supporting spendthrift assholes, anyone who has voted in the last 25 years falls into that category. Pretty much every politician alive wastes money on stupid shit. But it’s only stupid if we don’t personally like it or benefit from it, i.e. my shit is necessary. Your shit is wasteful.

    Amen to not paying taxes for incomprehensible overgovernance.

    I have no doubt that people climb into trucks and hang onto rafts because of the red tape. It sucks. There has got to be a better way to get eager, hard-working people into the country.

    And in regards to Che-lover, there are two kinds of people I don’t trust:

    1. people who put on horse heads then videotape themselves for Youtube.
    2. Grown men who wear berets.

  17. Well, I guess I’m a retard that fell for spendthrift assholes, and you agree we need to secure the border to keep the commies out.

  18. From VI Lenin

    Eventually, all of them were defeated at the 10th Congress of the RCP(b) by the so-called “Platform of the Ten” headed by Lenin, which called for trade unions to educate workers, under the control of the Communist Party. Since these times Lenin’s saying, “Trade Unions are a School of Communism” become an indisputable slogan.

  19. Thanks, Redmond. Are you suggesting spendthrift assholes, especially Democrat union puppet spendthrift assholes, call for trade unions to educate our children, under the control of leftist moralists?
    During these times of government-imposed union monopolies, “Public schools are liberal indoctrination centers” is becoming an indisputable slogan?
    Is this Leninism in our time, or are my personal encounters with public schools just coincidentally anecdotal?

  20. “I’d love to see the whole immigration process simplified.”

    Good, get in line like everyone else.
    See how simple that was ?
    Where is it written that we must by some obligation accept anyone who wishs citezenship ?
    What is this ? Fucking AA where the only requirement for membership is a desire to quit drinking ?

  21. I think the whole point/question here is…

    Why do fucking Communists, Andy Stern and all their offshoot bitchs adore Barry so much ?
    Why is Mousey Dung hangin on the White House Christmas tree ?
    Why did dickhead send the bust of Churchill back to the Queen ?
    Why did Barry grab both ass cheeks and bow to the Japanese PM so far as to offer a cocksucking ?
    The way he grabbed his ankles in front of King Abdul Tatoo could of fucked his corn hole.

    Simply put, in Barrys own words..

    “my salvation depends upon the salvation of everyone else”

    Spoken like a true commie

  22. micky: “Good, get in line like everyone else. See how simple that was?”
    The man has a point, Nick.
    The problem is, if they were willing to obey the law, they wouldn’t be illegal, now would they?
    Besides, without them, how could “Barry” the torpedo get re-elected?
    You think the Democrat-media complex, the unions, and ballot-box-stuffing are enough?

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