The Absolute Dangerousness of it All

Even the New York Times Agrees that Joe Biden is acting like a dictator

The dangerousness of the time we’re living in can hardly be exaggerated or overstated.

The blinding hatred of Donald Trump, which has obsessed people and festered within for four years, has created a pendulum swing and backlash so extreme that the majority of people are now, because of this obsessive festering, perfectly prepared to believe and accept anything, provided it’s in opposition to Donald Trump, and the current administration knows this. You may be assured as well that this administration, which is explicitly big-government, pro-government, will not let this backlash and the vulnerability of people go to waste.

Please hear me: no matter what you think of Donald Trump and no matter what your opinion of SARS-CoV2, this methodology is not the proper way to govern.

It is absolutely bloody fucking dangerous.

It is the stuff of nightmares.

When you have a person — the leader of the once-free world — in clear cognitive decline and early-stage dementia signing in one week more executive actions than most presidents ever sign in a lifetime, you can be one-hundred percent certain it is the wrong path.

I ask you to divest yourself of all partisan thinking, even for just a moment, no matter where on the political spectrum you place yourself, and analyze the current era and situation with the full power of your independent, reasoning, thinking, critical mind, which is so strong.

You are a free person.

Freedom is your birthright.

You do not exist by permission — not by any government’s permission. You exist by right. Your life and your property are yours by right.

There’s an infallible method for determining whether an ideology or a policy is good and healthy, or whether it’s dangerous and destructive. This method crosses all partisan barriers:

First, ignore the terminology and the names and the platitudes that politicians and activists give to any particular idea or policy — ignore them because this terminology is explicitly crafted in such a way as to make any sane and compassionate person loathe to go against it: i.e. Compassionate Care Act, American Relief Bill, #BlackLivesMatter, Mask Mandates Save Lives (they don’t), Lockdowns Save Lives (they don’t), et cetera — and instead let the following be your guide and gauge: the stance on property.

It is here that the total ideology is fully disclosed.

Always check the proposed solutions of any and every policy and ideology that’s put forth, by any administration, in any era or place, because it’s there, in the endgame and in the proposed means of achieving the stated ends — which, never forget, always requires a specific attitude toward (and view of) property and property rights — that you’ll see the truth or falsehood, the goodness or harmfulness, of any and every idea and ideology.

Check that and ignore the rest.

The rest is noise.

By their fruits ye shall know them.

The endgame of #BlackLivesMatter and its explicit ideological guide — Critical Race Theory — is an utterly unoriginal and stupefyingly simplistic version of Marxism. And more: the impetus for virtually the entire movement was propelled by deliberate prevarication and suppression of the actual facts concerning police brutality.

The only alternative to acting by right is acting by permission.

I say to you again:

Always check the proposed solutions of any and every policy and ideology that’s put forth by any administration, in any era or place, because it’s there, in the endgame and in the proposed means of achieving the stated ends — which, never forget, always requires a specific attitude toward (and view of) property and property rights — that you’ll see the truth or falsehood, the goodness or harmfulness, of any and every idea and ideology.

Simone Gold is a lawyer and an MD, and, while I don’t agree with everything she says, I admire her very much. She is courageous and articulate, and she’s a true independent thinker.

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